Thursday, January 27, 2011


Thursday, January 27th

Activity: Today, I began work on the cave allegory project. Having trouble thinking up a good idea, I decided to just go with the most basic idea of the allegory, and have an image projecting on a wall via shadows. I made this image a city, made of blocks on top of a bigger block behind three figures. I had a bit of trouble with the lighting at first, but I managed to make everything work, and spent most of class tweaking things to get it just the way I wanted it. I played with the textures a bit more, though since most of my project is covered in darkness they don't really show up, except the sky on the wall. In the end, I think I'm already very close to finishing it, as it was a simple idea and the only thing I really have to do is get the shadow city looking exactly like I want it too.

Reflection: I basically expanded on all the things I learned the first day of class for what I did today. Though I mostly learned a lot about lighting and shadows, and how they work and how to properly manipulate them. I even added more light sources to illuminate the fake city and the figures, and played around with how the two light sources interacted with each other. I also learned just how useful switching views can be, as switching to top and side really helped me set everything up just right.

File: Working Volume > Ben Potts > 3D Animation > Exercises > bpcaveallegory127
        House > Documents > 3D Animation > Exercises > bpcave127

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